
Book Review


Ghosts of Greenglass House

I loved Kate Milford’s ‘Greenglass House’, so I read the next book in the series, the sequel, which is ‘Ghosts of Greenglass House’. This 452 age long thriller was published in 2017 by Clarion Books.

Milo, the hero is stuck in an inn during winter holidays. The inn is full of strange guests. Some of his old friends are there too (plot thickens!). Milo along with his friends, all of them, old and new, join in the search for a valuable derrotero (Spanish word for a path that has to be followed to get something at its end) belonging to Violet Cross who is a legendary smuggler. But someone at the inn steals it from them the same night. Now, Milo works with his friends to solve the mystery to recover the derrotero.

The setting is the inn and the story unfolds there. As Kate Milford`s forte is mystery, there is a lot of suspense in the book. The characters are not who they show themselves to be. Old characters from the previous book carry the story forward and new characters introduce the element of surprise.

I was so engrossed in following the events in the story that I failed to notice any lapses if there were any. That goes to say a lot about how wonderfully well the book is written. I recommend this book for readers who have liked Greenglass House. After reading this book the readers can go ahead with Blue crowne which is the last book in the series. I haven’t read that book, but I intend to read it soon and shall review it in a separate write up.

This is a gripping read and obviously (for me) deserves almost 5 out of 5 stars.

I am giving it 4.5/5 stars.

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